Ballater Highland Games
Monaltrie Park, from 10am, £15/£5
You are invited to join the traditional Highland Games this
year on Thursday 10th August in Monaltrie Park in the village.
Known as the Friendly Games on Royal Deeside for good
reason, and you can be assured of a warm welcome.
Our full programme has pipe bands; piping and highland dancing competitions; track and light field events; a hill race; heavy field events including tossing the caber; tug o’war;
children’s races, including sack races; and tilt the bucket fun. To add to your interest and enjoyment, there is our fast food
court, beer tent, an interesting variety of trade and craft stalls,
and a funfair. Our gates open at 10am, competitions start at
11am, and the formal opening is at noon.
For further information, including pre-purchasing of admission
tickets, visit.
or email:
Beat Retreat
Church Green, 7pm approx £D
As Ballater Highland Games celebrates 160 years, Beat Retreat is the last event of Games Day.
On the Church Green at 7pm.
Donations gratefully accepted on behalf of the Ballater bear,
A Bear Named Buttony.
Beat Retreat is under the direction of Hon. Vice President Scott Fraser and stewarded by his Convener assistants Eric Buchan and Paul Mair.
Ballater and District Pipe Band are lead by Hon. Lead Drum Major Ian Esson and Pipe Major James Cooper.